A Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) é a nova lista de ocupações unificada da Austrália - atualmente com 456 ocupações - que será usada para determinar as ocupações elegíveis para o Core Skills Stream do visto Skills in Demand (SID), lançado hoje pelo Departamento de Home Affairs da Austrália, e para o fluxo de Entrada Direta do visto permanente Employer Nomination Scheme (subclasse 186), aumentando as chances de obter residência permanente através do patrocínio do empregador.
A lista será revisada regularmente para garantir que continue a atender às necessidades do mercado de trabalho. Novas ocupações podem ser adicionadas ou removidas com mais agilidade, conforme as demandas mudam.
Confira abaixo a primeira versão da CSOL, com um resumo das ocupações que foram removidas e adicionadas:
ANZSCO | Descrição na ANZSCO | Adicionada ou Removida | Lista Anterior |
252211 | Acupuncturist | Removida | STSOL |
149111 | Amusement Centre Manager | Removida | ROL |
361199 | Animal Attendants and Trainers (nec) | Removida | STSOL |
249211 | Art Teacher (Private Tuition) | Removida | STSOL |
121312 | Beef Cattle Farmer | Removida | ROL |
212212 | Book or Script Editor | Removida | STSOL |
141111 | Cafe or Restaurant Manager | Removida | STSOL |
399512 | Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) | Removida | STSOL |
141211 | Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager | Removida | ROL |
272111 | Careers Counsellor | Removida | STSOL |
134111 | Child Care Centre Manager | Removida | MLTSSL |
252111 | Chiropractor | Removida | MLTSSL |
222111 | Commodities Trader | Removida | STSOL |
272611 | Community Arts Worker | Removida | ROL |
149311 | Conference and Event Organiser | Removida | STSOL |
234311 | Conservation Officer | Removida | ROL |
212411 | Copywriter | Removida | STSOL |
121511 | Cotton Grower | Removida | ROL |
272199 | Counsellors nec | Removida | STSOL |
121299 | Crop Farmers (nec) | Removida | ROL |
149212 | Customer Service Manager | Removida | STSOL |
249212 | Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) | Removida | STSOL |
211112 | Dancer or Choreographer | Removida | MLTSSL |
121314 | Deer Farmer | Removida | ROL |
212312 | Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) | Removida | STSOL |
411712 | Disabilities Services Officer | Removida | STSOL |
393213 | Dressmaker or Tailor | Removida | STSOL |
451211 | Driving Instructor | Removida | ROL |
224311 | Economist | Removida | MLTSSL |
249111 | Education Adviser | Removida | STSOL |
441211 | Emergency Service Worker | Removida | ROL |
251311 | Environmental Health Officer | Removida | ROL |
234313 | Environmental Research Scientist | Removida | MLTSSL |
234915 | Exercise Physiologist | Removida | ROL |
149913 | Facilities Manager | Removida | STSOL |
272113 | Family and Marriage Counsellor | Removida | STSOL |
232311 | Fashion Designer | Removida | STSOL |
212314 | Film and Video Editor | Removida | STSOL |
222199 | Financial Brokers nec | Removida | STSOL |
222299 | Financial Dealers nec | Removida | STSOL |
149914 | Financial Institution Branch Manager | Removida | ROL |
222312 | Financial Investment Manager | Removida | STSOL |
222211 | Financial Market Dealer | Removida | STSOL |
451815 | First Aid Trainer | Removida | ROL |
149112 | Fitness Centre Manager | Removida | ROL |
362111 | Florist | Removida | STSOL |
452411 | Footballer | Removida | MLTSSL |
451399 | Funeral Workers nec | Removida | ROL |
224212 | Gallery or Museum Curator | Removida | STSOL |
362611 | Gardener (General) | Removida | STSOL |
232411 | Graphic Designer | Removida | STSOL |
452312 | Gymnastics Coach or Instructor | Removida | STSOL |
134299 | Health and Welfare Services Managers nec | Removida | STSOL |
224213 | Health Information Manager | Removida | STSOL |
251911 | Health Promotion Officer | Removida | STSOL |
121316 | Horse Breeder | Removida | ROL |
452313 | Horse Riding Coach or Instructor | Removida | STSOL |
313112 | ICT Customer Support Officer | Removida | STSOL |
263212 | ICT Support Engineer | Removida | STSOL |
232312 | Industrial Designer | Removida | STSOL |
399912 | Interior Decorator | Removida | STSOL |
272412 | Interpreter | Removida | STSOL |
399411 | Jeweller | Removida | STSOL |
452413 | Jockey | Removida | ROL |
224912 | Liaison Officer | Removida | ROL |
224611 | Librarian | Removida | STSOL |
311413 | Life Science Technician | Removida | STSOL |
341113 | Lift Mechanic | Removida | MLTSSL |
121399 | Livestock Farmers nec | Removida | ROL |
399514 | Make Up Artist | Removida | STSOL |
133411 | Manufacturer | Removida | STSOL |
225112 | Market Research Analyst | Removida | ROL |
234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist | Removida | MLTSSL |
311213 | Medical Laboratory Technician | Removida | STSOL |
234517 | Microbiologist | Removida | MLTSSL |
322111 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer (121411) | Removida | ROL |
322115 | Mixed Crop Farmer (121216) | Removida | ROL |
323311 | Mixed Livestock Farmer (121317) | Removida | ROL |
211299 | Music Professionals nec | Removida | STSOL |
211213 | Musician (Instrumental) | Removida | MLTSSL |
252213 | Naturopath | Removida | STSOL |
212412 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor | Removida | STSOL |
254311 | Nurse Manager | Removida | STSOL |
251112 | Nutritionist | Removida | STSOL |
311214 | Operating Theatre Technician | Removida | ROL |
252112 | Osteopath | Removida | MLTSSL |
311216 | Pathology Collector\Phlebotomist | Removida | ROL |
211311 | Photographer | Removida | STSOL |
224412 | Policy Analyst | Removida | ROL |
142115 | Post Office Manager | Removida | ROL |
133513 | Production Manager (Mining) | Removida | STSOL |
612112 | Property Manager | Removida | ROL |
131114 | Public Relations Manager | Removida | ROL |
612115 | Real Estate Representative | Removida | ROL |
224214 | Records Manager | Removida | STSOL |
134412 | Regional Education Manager | Removida | ROL |
312611 | Safety Inspector | Removida | ROL |
121322 | Sheep Farmer | Removida | ROL |
231213 | Ship's Master | Removida | ROL |
452314 | Snowsport Instructor | Removida | STSOL |
272499 | Social Professionals nec | Removida | STSOL |
139999 | Specialist Managers nec | Removida | STSOL |
139915 | Sports Administrator | Removida | ROL |
149113 | Sports Centre Manager | Removida | ROL |
452499 | Sportspersons nec | Removida | STSOL |
222213 | Stockbroking Dealer | Removida | STSOL |
121513 | Sugar Cane Grower | Removida | ROL |
452315 | Swimming Coach or Instructor | Removida | STSOL |
249311 | Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages | Removida | STSOL |
263311 | Telecommunications Engineer | Removida | MLTSSL |
452316 | Tennis Coach | Removida | MLTSSL |
149413 | Transport Company | Removida | STSOL |
121616 | Vegetable Grower | Removida | ROL |
134214 | Welfare Centre Manager | Removida | MLTSSL |
272613 | Welfare Worker | Removida | STSOL |
311112 | Agricultural and Agritech Technician | Adicionada |
234115 | Agronomist | Adicionada |
231199 | Air Transport Professionals nec | Adicionada |
311113 | Animal Husbandry Technician | Adicionada |
234116 | Aquaculture or Fisheries Scientist | Adicionada |
311114 | Aquaculture or Fisheries Technician | Adicionada |
362511 | Arborist | Mudança de código (ainda na lista) |
451111 | Beauty Therapist | Adicionada |
149911 | Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator | Adicionada |
312112 | Building Associate | Adicionada |
399211 | Chemical Plant Operator | Adicionada |
421111 | Child Care Worker | Adicionada |
599211 | Clerk of Court | Adicionada |
225114 | Content Creator (Marketing) | Adicionada |
599111 | Conveyancer | Adicionada |
262114 | Cyber Governance Risk and Compliance Specialist | Adicionada |
262115 | Cyber Security Advice and Assessment Specialist | Adicionada |
262116 | Cyber Security Analyst | Adicionada |
262117 | Cyber Security Architect | Adicionada |
261315 | Cyber Security Engineer | Adicionada |
262118 | Cyber Security Operations Coordinator | Adicionada |
224114 | Data Analyst | Adicionada |
224115 | Data Scientist | Adicionada |
411212 | Dental Prosthetist | Adicionada |
261316 | Devops Engineer | Adicionada |
399911 | Diver | Adicionada |
249112 | Education Reviewer | Adicionada |
312412 | Electronic Engineering Technician | Adicionada |
322112 | Electroplater | Adicionada |
323411 | Engineering Patternmaker | Adicionada |
234521 | Entomologist | Adicionada |
149915 | Equipment Hire Manager | Adicionada |
399918 | Fire Protection Equipment Technician | Adicionada |
334117 | Fire Protection Plumber | Adicionada |
149411 | Fleet Manager | Adicionada |
394113 | Furniture Maker | Adicionada |
392211 | Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker | Adicionada |
149999 | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec | Adicionada |
431411 | Hotel Service Manager | Adicionada |
311115 | Irrigation Designer | Adicionada |
362712 | Irrigation Technician | Adicionada |
362711 | Landscape Gardener | Mudança de código (ainda na lista) |
521212 | Legal Secretary | Adicionada |
141411 | Licensed Club Manager | Adicionada |
399513 | Light Technician | Adicionada |
322114 | Metal Casting Trades Worker | Adicionada |
512111 | Office Manager | Adicionada |
399913 | Optical Dispenser\Dispensing Optician | Adicionada |
399914 | Optical Mechanic | Adicionada |
312914 | Other Draftsperson | Adicionada |
452317 | Other Sports Coach or Instructor (Wushu Martial Arts Coach or Yoga Instructor Only) | Somente ocupações especificadas |
421114 | Out of School Hours Care Worker | Adicionada |
261317 | Penetration Tester | Adicionada |
394212 | Picture Framer | Adicionada |
399916 | Plastics Technician | Adicionada |
334116 | Plumber (General) | Mudança de código (ainda na lista) |
311314 | Primary Products Quality Assurance Officer | Adicionada |
212414 | Radio Journalist | Adicionada |
139917 | Regulatory Affairs Manager | Adicionada |
234612 | Respiratory Scientist | Adicionada |
311217 | Respiratory Technician | Adicionada |
142111 | Retail Manager (General) | Adicionada |
225411 | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) | Adicionada |
225412 | Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) | Adicionada |
392112 | Screen Printer | Adicionada |
231212 | Ship's Engineer | Adicionada |
393114 | Shoemaker | Adicionada |
224714 | Supply Chain Analyst | Adicionada |
399999 | Technicians and Trades Workers nec | Adicionada |
342412 | Telecommunications Cable Jointer | Adicionada |
342414 | Telecommunications Technician | Adicionada |
323215 | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic | Adicionada |
451412 | Tour Guide | Adicionada |
142116 | Travel Agency Manager | Adicionada |
451612 | Travel Consultant | Adicionada |
362512 | Tree Worker | Adicionada |